About Us

What To Expect

Each Sunday we gather at FBC to worship and praise God for all He is and all He has done in and through our lives.  Our service is a blend of contemporary songs and hymns, a challenge from God’s Word, the Bible, and a time for fellowship complete with handshakes, hugs, praises and prayer requests.  We provide loaner Bibles if you need one and our worship songs are projected on our screen.  Our services run a little more than an hour and everyone is welcome to stay longer.

Children grades 2 and younger are dismissed after the opening worship set for their own age-related Children’s Church times downstairs with our trained and trusty volunteers.  Our nursery team takes great care of all the babies.

What Do I Wear?

Clothes are a must!  Casual and comfortable are the norm.  Some wear jeans and plaid – Some come in caps and camo – Some wear skirts and sweaters – Some dress up a little more.  Sandals, shoes or just socks are all fine, too.  The main “attire” is to come with an open heart.  In other words, be yourself!

What Time Is The Service?

During the school year, our Worship Service is at 11:00 a.m. every Sunday morning.  During the summer months our Worship Service begins at 10:30 a.m.

Our story stained glass 2019

History of Faith Bible Church

In early 1955 the following families joined together as a group to form the “Faith Bible Church”.  They began meeting in the home of Lou and Nora May Auge early in  1955.  It was September of 1955 that they called their first pastor Reverend Clarence Kutz to conduct his first service.

Lou & Nora May Ague

Ernie & Ethel Hamilton

Otis & Geneva Mast

Joanne & Micky Downing

Al and Lois Oursland

By spring of 1956 the church had grown, and needed to move out of the Auge’s living room and made arrangement to rent the Grange Hall, which was located across from the present high school ( where Denny’s Body Shop is now located).  They started looking for property and purchased the lot at the corner of Mahoney and Education Way in March of 1957.  Construction began that summer.

The building of the new Church was a sacrifice of time and money.  The U.S. Forest Service donated 20,000 board feet of timber for the Church.  “Work picnics” were held many evenings and Saturdays so the men could fell the trees and hall the logs to a government reserve sawmill near Libby to be cut into lumber.  During construction, workdays were a routine part of the church week.  Construction of the church building was done by volunteer labor, as was the parsonage in later years.  The church basement was completed and  used for the first time on Easter, April 17, 1960. 

Several years later the main floor was completed and the first service was held in June of 1967.  The church dedication was held on October 30, 1968.  The parsonage was completed in 1973.

In 1974, Libby experienced a severe winter flood.  There was 5’2” of water and silt in the basement, which necessitated the return to “Work Days” to clean up and redo most of the basement. 

Missions has always played an important part of the Ministries of Faith Bible.  Beginning with Don Walters, who served in Japan.  Bruce and Nina Wakelin working in Venezuela, were supported for 30 years.  Dave Scovill was also an early missionary to visit the church from Prairie Bible Institute, Dave and Esther to this day are still supported by Faith Bible Church.

Early baptismal services were held at Troops Lake, between Libby and Troy or in the Fisher River, thereby limiting the services to the summer months.  The baptistery was completed in 1978.

In 1967 the children began meeting separately from the adults on Wednesday evenings to have their own Bible study and prayer time.  This later became Pioneer Girls and AWANA for the boys.  After several years the programs were dropped for a short time and then AWANA was reinstated for both boys and girls, and continues to be a major program in the church today.

The church was founded with a strong conviction of the importance of keeping the Bible the central focus of the church.

“Holding Forth the Word of Life”

“Making Disciples of Jesus Christ”

Our Core Values

 1. Teaching and preaching will be biblical.  The Bible will be taught; it will be the ultimate source book.  Other printed or audio/video material used will be secondary to the Bible and will not contradict God’s Word.  I Timothy 4:13; II Timothy 4:1-5; Titus 2:1

2. The gospel, evangelism, discipleship and missions will be a sustained commitment.  We will proclaim the gospel, promote evangelism, prepare disciples and support missions.  Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8

3. We will have an outward focus in our community.  We will continue to strive to be a caring, friendly, and welcoming church.  We will build relationships outside of Faith Bible Church in order to lead people to Jesus.  We will also work at partnering with other churches and organizations to support community wide ministries.  Matthew 25:35-40; John 4:35-38; II Corinthians 2:14; Ephesians 3:14-21; Ephesians 4:1-6

4. We consider prayer to be essential.  We will encourage and participate in individual and corporate prayer.  Since prayer is communication with God, we consider it an essential part of all ministries, activities, and worship here at Faith Bible Church.  Matthew 26:41; Luke 18:1; Ephesians 6:18; I Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:16

5. The Faith Bible Church congregation will strive for a spirit of unity.  We will be unified in our Doctrinal Statement of Faith.  We will be unified in biblical standards of support, service, and love for each other.  We will work hard at resolving conflicts and will not participate in nor tolerate gossip, slander, or hate.  John 17:23; Ephesians 4:1-6, 29-32; Romans 15:5-7; Philippians 2:1-5

6. We will adhere to the biblical definition of marriage and families.  We will encourage and support Christian marriages, one man and one woman, and families, encouraging them to adhere to the biblical values of raising and training of their children.  Proverbs 23:22-25; Ephesians 5:21-33; Ephesians 6:1-4; III John 4

7. Faith Bible Church will strive for excellence.  We will not be satisfied if Faith Bible Church or one of our ministries becomes stagnate or plateau; therefore, we will take corrective action before we begin to deteriorate.  I Corinthians 13:1-13; Philippians 1:9-11; Philippians 4:8

Our Elders

Pastor Dave Donnerberg
Pastor Dave Donnerberg
Dave Marsh - Elder - Secretary
Dave Marsh - Elder - Secretary
Landon Marcott - Elder
Landon Marcott - Elder
Bill Fansler - Elder - Chairman
Bill Fansler - Elder - Chairman
Terry Mayberry - Elder
Terry Mayberry - Elder
Ken Clark - Elder - Moderator
Ken Clark - Elder - Moderator
Garrett Detrick - Elder - Vice Chairman
Garrett Detrick - Elder - Vice Chairman
Bob Halvorsen - Elder
Bob Halvorsen - Elder