
Dave and Kathy Nelson

Wisdom of the Week
by Pastor Dave Nelson of Libby, Montana

Until my retirement in May 2011, I pastored an independent Bible church in Northwest Montana for nearly 38 years. During that time I also helped establish a Christian school, and a Bible Camp. I am married and have children and grandchildren. The Wisdom of the Week (WOW) devotional is an outgrowth of my desire to share what God is doing in my life and in our world, and to challenge you to be a part.  To read more WOW visit our website at 

Enjoy this week's devotional!

July 22, 2024


     This past Saturday, I spoke at the celebration of life service for a good friend and brother in Christ, John Alex, who was a member of our leadership team in the early years of Three Lakes Community Bible Church. John served as elder, secretary, treasurer, administrator of Three Lakes Christian School, drove bus for the school, did illusions for chapels, vacation Bible school, and Bible camp, but most of all was a great friend. It was because of encouragement from folks like John that we were able to continue in ministry for so many years at Three Lakes.  One of John's special qualities was his concern for others and their needs. If you ever mentioned a need to John, he wouldn't just say, "I'll be praying for you," He would stop right then and  there and pray for you.  In fact when John went into the hospital on June 30th, we stopped in to see him after church, had a great visit (for which we are very thankful) and before we left, held hands with him and the family members with him, and prayed for him. As soon as I said, "Amen," John began praying for us!  That was just who he was and not only will he be greatly missed, but we will all miss his praying for us.  

     The same week that John went to be with the Lord (on Saturday, July 6th),  my sister, Audrey, also spent her final day on earth (Tuesday, July 2nd).  She was definitely my "favorite" sister! (Oh, that's right, she was my "only" sister!).  Even though she was eight years older than I, she didn't mind letting little brother traipse along on some of her outings.  My two brothers were 12 and 14 years older, so her watching out for me meant a lot.  It was after my brothers had left home that my folks, Audrey and I finally ended up in a church that preached the gospel and all got saved, so Audrey became not only my biological sister, but a "sister in Christ."  She and her husband, Jim, were always encouragers and supporters of the ministry into which God led us.  She was not only my "favorite" sister, but was a lot of "fun."  I could share some stories of life with Audrey that would entertain you, but I best not take the time and space to do that. Suffice it to say, we enjoyed her a lot and have some great memories.  Not only was she a favorite and fun, she set an example for us of being "faithful" to her Savior. She used her musical gifts wherever she was to serve in the local church, and, like John Alex, was a real encourager in the body of Christ.  

     As I shared Saturday at the memorial for John, death is a reality we all face, for "It is appointed for men to die once..." (Heb. 9:27). Unless we are alive at the Rapture of believers, we will all face death and we never know when it will come so we need to be ready (as were John and Audrey) by having trusted Christ for eternal life.  Death is a real enemy for it separates us from family and friends that we love and we miss them a lot. But, praise God, that enemy will--based on Christ's resurrection--one day  be abolished (I Cor. 15:22,26).  Death is an enemy but it is also a friend, for it is a release from the pain and suffering and pressures in this life because of the curse of sin and it means the end to the temptations of the old, sinful nature which will finally be gone--PTL! (I Cor. 15:42-44).  Also, death should be a reminder to all of us that we are not going to live forever on this earth (as it is now), that our "appointed time" is coming and that we need to be ready (with Christ in our life...I Jn. 5:11,12). So, death should elicit a response in those who have not yet surrendered their lives to Christ to do so, not knowing how much time they might have left on earth (II Cor. 6:2). 

     Finally, death provides a reunion, for we are then reunited with all who--as believers--have been taken to heaven before us--biological family as well as brothers and sisters in Christ.  And just think, we will get to meet Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Rahab, Ruth, Peter, Paul, Joseph and Mary...and JESUS!  "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout victory!"

     Death is the last chapter of time, but the first chapter of eternity. When a Christian dies, earth's story ends and heaven's story begins (and will never end!). Christians never say "goodbye" to each other for the last time, only "See you later," or "See you soon!"

Forever His,
Pastor Dave

Weekly/Monthly Schedule


  • Summer services

      10:30 am: Worship Service

  • Fall services (During the school year)

       9:30 am:  Sunday School for all ages
     11:00 am:  Worship Service

  • Potluck Fellowships will follow the morning service – 2nd Sunday (see calendar for any changes)


 6:30 pm:  Prayer meeting at Faith Bible Church


6:00 pm: AWANA (during the school year, September through April)


5:15 pm:  Music Team Rehearsal
6:00 pm:  Elder Meeting – 2nd Thursday


 7:30 am:  Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study – 3rd Saturday