Garrett Detrick is an Elder here at Faith Bible Church and teaches 9th and 10th graders at the Kootenai Valley Christian School.
From time to time he will give a sermon and we are always blessed when Garrett preaches. His academic insight always comes through and we learn something new each time. Sometimes it is a snippet of history or a lesson on great writers but it is always noteworthy and he has our full attention.
Please enjoy these sermons.
August 11, 2024
"The justice of God." - Various passages
(due to technical difficulties only half of Garrett's sermon was recorded.
The Book of Job

April 21, 2024
Job: Part I
Various passages
April 28,2024
-Job intermission-
"Christ first - not distractions"

Garrett walks us through Genesis
February 21, 2021
The Ark
Genesis 7